eef boeckx bart macken architecten


Diksmuidelaan 34
B-1000 Brussels / Belgium +32(0)22655773


Bart Macken °1964 / Aarschot / 1988 / Civil Engineer and Architect, University of Leuven / 1989 / Master at the Raymond Lemaire International Center for Conservation, University of Leuven / 1989 / Co-founder and partner of Macken & Macken Architecten / 2009 / Partner in charge with Eef Boeckx, Brussels / Teaching / 1990-1996 / Assistant Professor at the Department of Architecture, Urbanism and Planning, University of Leuven / 2008-2010 / Guest Lecturer and Visiting Critic at the University of Ghent

Eef Boeckx °1974 / Beerse / 1997 / Architect, St-Lucas Higher Architectural Institute Brussels / 1998 / ‘Hedendaagse Wijsbegeerte’ and ‘Lezing van filosofische auteurs’ with Patricia de Martelaere, KUB / 1999-2009 / Project-architect at Macken & Macken Architecten / 2006-2007 / Project-architect at Gigantes Zenghelis Architects + Associates, Brussels / 2009 / Partner in charge with Bart Macken, Brussels / Teaching / 1998 / Tutor at workshop EASA Malta with Matthias Brettschneider / 2005- / Teaching at the Department of Architecture & Urban Planning, University of Ghent / 2012-2014 / Visiting Critic Erasmus Intensive Programmes at Università Iuav di Venezia, Facoltà di Architettura / 2015-2016 / Visiting Critic Erasmus Intensive Programmes at Università di Napoli, Dipartimento di Architettura / 2019- / Teaching at the Faculty of Architecture and Arts, University of Hasselt

Competitions / Prizes / 2022 / Scholencampus BuSO-BuBao Aarschot with Korteknie Stuhlmacher Architecten, Laureate / 2022 / Open Oproep new low-tech offices for Leiedal Kortrijk, Laureate / 2008 / Open Oproep Public Library Wemmel, Laureate / 2007 / Nomination ‘Belgium Architecture Awards’ for house with studio at Leefdaal / 2006 / Invited competition for reconversion café and bookshop WIELS Contemporary Art Center Brussels, 2nd laureate and special mention of the jury / 2005 / nomination ‘LAI interior prize 2005’ (NL) for house with studio at Leefdaal / 2000 / Public competition for extension to ‘de Warande’ cultural centre, Turnhout, winners / 1998 / Public competition for local council office at Sint-Katelijne-Waver, 2nd prize / 1997 / Charles Wilford Prize for Architecture for house at Muizen / 1996 / Public competition for 15 social homes, Waasmunster, 2nd prize

Exhibitions / Installations / Lectures / 2010 / Powerdown lecture ‘Architecture without waste’ at University of Ghent / 2008 / Kraftbau lecture at University of Ghent / 2008 / Leefdaal House and de Warande cultural centre, in: 'Architectuur in beeld', exposition at Paleis voor Schone Kunsten (Bozar), Brussels / 2007 / Lecture at Archipel, Brugges / 2006 / WIELS Off Site exhibition / 2006 / Lecture at symposium ‘Kunst in Opdracht’, Lamot Mechelen, initiated by the team of the Flemish Government Architect / 2006 / Outdoor installation at Speelhoven / 2005 / AMO exhibition Mechelen shows house at Muizen, photography Patrick Robyn / 2005 / Lecture in artcenter Z33, Hasselt / 2003 / Lecture in the series Auditorium 03 initiated by the ‘Stichting Stad en Architectuur’, at Stuk, Leuven / 2003 / 'Real time still', video installation at ‘de Warande’ cultural centre, Turnhout / 2001 / ‘Het Wilde Wonen’ exhibition in Nai, Rotterdam, houses Muizen, Beerzel, Leefdaal / 2001 / ‘Blitzbeton’, workshop and lecture in: Witte de With, contemporary art centre, Rotterdam / 2001 / ‘Flat_Space’, exhibition and installation at Witte zaal, Gent / 2000 / ‘Brussel 2000-Supernova, Jonge Belgische architectuur’, house at Leefdaal, house at Beerzel, de Warande Cultural Centre / 1998 / ‘Architectuur in Vlaanderen 1996-1997’, exhibition at deSingel international arts centre, Antwerp, house at Muizen

Publications 'Perziken in Parijs', by Eef Boeckx, in: 'A+297 Architecture of Energy', 2022 / Collage Howards End (E.M. Forster), in ’50 Fictieve Gebouwen’, by Christophe van Gerrewey (red.), DW B 159/5, special edition 3, 2014 / Leefdaal House, in: ‘Architectuur België, 25 jaar in 75 projecten’, Lannoo, 2014 / Library VA&S University of Ghent, in: ’Bouwen aan de bibliotheek’, VA&S Ugent, 2011 / ‘Architecture without waste’, in: Powerdown, Vakgroep Architectuur & Stedenbouw Ugent, 2010 / de Warande, in: 'Jaarboek Architectuur Vlaanderen', Vai, 2008 / ‘Woonhuis met atelier’, by Lionel Devlieger, in: 'Jaarboek Architectuur Vlaanderen', Vai, 2008 / Leefdaal House, in: A+ (BE), no. 208, okt-nov 2008 / de Warande, in: De Standaard architectuurbibliotheek, 1000 jaar architectuur in Belgium, Lannoo, 2008 / de Warande cultural centre, in: World Architecture Magazine (China), no. 201, 03-2007 / de Warande, in: 'Van klei tot kristal', by Wouter Davidts and Maarten Delbeke, in: Etcetera (BE), no. 105, feb 2007 / Leefdaal House, in: 'Convertible Houses', by Amanda Lam and Amy Thomas, Gibbs Smith Publishers (NY), 2007 / House at Leefdaal, Sun and Moon curtains, in: 'Inside Outside / Petra Blaisse', NAi Publishers Rotterdam, 2006 / Kindergarten and primary school 'De Regenboog' at Grimbergen, in: ‘Het curriculum en de verblijfplaats’, by Maarten Van Den Driessche, in: De school als ontwerpopgave, A&S books & the team of the Flemish Government Architect, 2006 / Speelhoven outdoor installation, private collection, 150 ex. by Speelhoven vzw, 2006 / de Warande, in: ‘Open en gesloten’, by Pierijn van der Putt, in: de Architect (NL), juni 2006 / ‘the Warande Cultural Centre, countering the brutalism of the existing building’, by Lars Kwakkenbos, in: A10 (NL), no. 7, jan/feb 2006 / de Warande, in: ‘Nuchter glas’, by Lars Kwakkenbos, in: A+ (BE) no. 197, dec 2005 / de Warande, in: ‘Snaphot and façade’, by Maarten Delbeke, in: Moderne tijden-Teksten over architectuur, Vlees & Beton, no. 72, 2007 / House at Leefdaal, by Marc Dubois, in: de Architect (NL) nov 2005 / House at Leefdaal, in: ‘Las cortinas mágicas de Blaisse’, by Miguel Barahona, in: Diseño Interior (ES), no. 158, sept 2005 / ‘Het nieuwe bestaan van de aanwezigheid’, by Christophe Van Gerrewey, in: Moderne tijden-Teksten over architectuur, Vlees & Beton, no. 72, 2007 / House at Leefdaal, in: ‘Light Sculpting’, by Andrew Yang, in: Metropolis (US), May 2005 / Absoluut Architectuur, Ghent, 2004 / ‘Statement and Style’, by Maarten Delbeke, in: ‘Macken & Macken: Vijf huizen / Five houses', series Young architects in Flanders, no. 01, Vai/A16, 2003 / House at Leefdaal, in: A+U (JP), no. 05, 2003 / Young Architects in Belgium: The Quest for Recognition, by Vincent Brunetta and Véronique Patteeuw, in Archis no. 05, Amsterdam, 2001 / Brussels 2000 Supernova, 'Jonge Belgische architectuur', Brussels, 2000 / House at Muizen, in: ‘La villa à Muizen de Macken et Macken. La nouvelle icone de l’architecture flamande?’, by Vincent Brunetta, in: DDO Trimestriel de la création contemporaine de l’eurorégion Nord, Roubaix (FR), no. 38, dec 1999 / House at Muizen, in: ‘Wonen in Belgische architectuur’, by Maarten Delbeke, in: Archis no. 08, 1998 / House at Muizen, in: ‘Jaarboek Architectuur Vlaanderen 1996-1997’ / Sporenburg island Amsterdam, in Archis no. 02, 1995 / Chassé Breda, in Archis, no. 08, 1994

Monograph 2003 / ‘Macken & Macken: Vijf huizen / Five houses’, edit. Vincent Brunetta / Véronique Patteeuw, series Young architects in Flanders, no. 01, Vai/A16, 2003, reprint 02/2005

Programming Loraine Furter


Renovation 18th c. Drielindenkapel, Rotselaar

status completed 2022 / floor area 2,8 m2 / client city of Rotselaar + WinAr / designteam bart macken eef boeckx


New low-tech offices for Leiedal, Kortrijk

status laureate competition design 2020 - completion 2023 / floor area 2.700 m2 / client intercommunale leiedal / designteam MMA / bart macken eef boeckx, transsolar, daidalos peutz, ingenium, VIBE, ney & partners, jan minne gardenist

link: leiedal timmert aan slimme verdichting met nieuw kantoorgebouw


Masterplan Woon- en welzijnscampus Breugheldal, Dilbeek

status competition design open call 2019 / floor area 1st phase 4.000 m2 / client ocmw dilbeek / designteam bart macken, eef boeckx, cinéma jolia (giulia lazzara, jolien de nijs), joris kerremans / care expert rudy de belie / structural engineer util / services engineer ingenium / collages and movie cinéma jolia


Exhibition Design 'Feast of Fools. Bruegel Rediscovered', Gaasbeek

status completed 2019 / floor area 950 m2 / client flemish government / designteam eef boeckx, bart macken, prof. dirk de meyer / curators lieze eneman, luc lambrecht


Housing Biestebroekkaai, Anderlecht

status competition design 2017 / floor area 650 m2 / client city of anderlecht / designteam bart macken eef boeckx lisa janssens lisa desager / structural engineer util


Renovation Wayezstraat 135, Anderlecht

status design 2017 / floor area 150 m2 / client city of anderlecht / designteam bart macken eef boeckx lisa janssens lisa desager


New offices for VAPH, Brussels

status completed 2016 / floor area 3.500 m2 / client VAPH vlaams agentschap voor personen met een handicap / designteam bart macken eef boeckx


Extension to the Masereel Centrum, Kasterlee

status competition design open call 2014 / floor area 550 m2 / client flemish government / designteam bart macken eef boeckx arthur boccard sabine adriaensen / structural engineer ney & partners


PPZ4 ‘Pilootproject Zorg’ extension to a Palliative Care Centre, Wuustwezel

status competition design open call 2013 / floor area 2.000 m2 / client coda vzw / designteam bart macken eef boeckx pieter de walsche tobias van speybroeck / structural engineer BAS dirk jaspaert / landscape atelier veldwerk rudy j. luijters


PPZ5 Urban masterplan 'pilootproject zorg', Geel

status masterplan completed 2015 / floor area 16.500 m2 / client astor vzw / advisory commission by the flemish government architect / project direction monnikenheide vzw / designteam eef boeckx bart macken astrid ghyselen tobias van speybroeck in collaboration with osar / landscape bas smets


Office Baroque Gallery, Brussels

status completed 2013 / floor area 170 m2 / client office baroque gallery / designteam bart macken eef boeckx astrid ghyselen / photography (c) thomas ost


Primary School PSBO 'De Sterretjes', Tienen

status competition design open call 2013 / floor area 2.270 m2 / client province of flemish brabant / designteam bart macken eef boeckx thomas montulet olivier cavens / structural engineer BAS dirk jaspaert / services engineer ingenium nv / building physics daidalos peutz


Masterplan Residential Care, Kortenberg

status masterplan 2013 / floor area 8.500 m2 / client mogro nv / designteam bart macken eef boeckx thomas montulet olivier cavens


Renovation and re-determination of the 13th c. St. Catherine's Church, Kortrijk-Dutsel

status completion 2020 / floor area 550 m2 / client city of holsbeek / designteam bart macken eef boeckx / structural engineer triconsult


Loft, Merchtem

status completed 2011 / floor area 100 m2 / client private / designteam bart macken eef boeckx astrid ghyselen


Public Library, Wemmel

status laureate open call 2008 / floor area 1.200 m2 / client city of wemmel / designteam bart macken with richard venlet and dries vande velde


Une Petite Maison, Holsbeek

status completed 2010 / floor area 105 m2 / client private / designteam bart macken eef boeckx


New offices for the team Vlaams Bouwmeester, Brussels

status completed 2008 / floor area 490 m2 / client flemish government / designteam eef boeckx bart macken in collaboration with the artists richard venlet and sophie nys / photography (c) richard venlet and jan kempenaers


House with studio, Leefdaal

status completed 2005 / client private / designteam macken & macken / engineering de smet verlinden / building physics daidalos-peutz / landscape macken & macken + jan van aert / curtains ‘sun and moon’ by inside outside petra blaisse / photography (c) 2005 paul casaer

download: woonhuis met atelier, by lionel devlieger, in: jaarboek architectuur 2008, pp.154-157


Extension to 'de Warande' cultural centre, Turnhout

status completed 2007 / floor area 6.800 m2 / client province of antwerp / designteam macken & macken / engineering rcr / building physics daidalos-peutz / photography (c) 2007 paul casaer

download: van klei tot kristal, by wouter davidts and maarten delbeke, in: etcetera, nr. 105, feb 2007


Renovation of the 14th c. O.L.V.-Church, Aarschot

status completion 2020 / floor area 1.600 m2 / client church board O.L.V. aarschot / designteam bart macken eef boeckx / structural engineer triconsult


Farmer's House, Muizen

status completed 1995 / floor area 200 m2 / client private / designteam macken & macken / photography (c) 1996 patrick robyn


House, Brasschaat

status completed 1992 / floor area 450 m2 / client private / designteam macken & macken in collaboration with stéphane beel and yves brunier / collages (c) 1990 yves brunier